Research and cooperation
The dialogue process in the ecumenical movement is central to the research of the Ecumenical Institute. Based on this, the Institute dedicates its research to ecumenical-theological questions. At the Institute, doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers from different denominations and cultures work on ecumenical and systematic-theological research topics and at the same time engage in ecumenical exchange.
Collaborative Research - SFB 1671 „Heimat(en): Phänomene, Praktiken, Darstellungen“
Subproject C03 „Geistliche und himmlische Heimat im darstellenden Handeln christlicher Konfessionskulturen“
The subproject of Prof. Dr. Friederike Nüssel (PI) and Cosima Macco examines how the church was configured as a spiritual home in the confessional cultures between the 17th and 19th centuries.
Subroject A06 „(Nicht) Zuhause in der Welt? – Implizite Modellierungen von Heimat(en) im Protestantisch-Theologischen Diskurs des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts“
The subproject of Dr. Arne Bachmann and Dr. Patrick Ebert (PIs) examines how home(s) are modeled in Protestant theological discourse, in songs and in church statements (20th/21st century).
Dissertations & Habilitations
Cooperation & Committees
- Scientific Society for Theology (2nd Board)
- Theological Conference between Church of England and Evangelical Church in Germany (Co-Chair)
- Dialogue between the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe and the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity in Rome
- German Ecumenical Study Committee
- Ecumenical Study Committee of the VELKD
- Ecumenical Working Group of Protestant and Catholic Theologians
- American Academy of Religion
- European Academy of Religion
- Advisory Board of the Tantur Institute of the University of Notre Dame (USA) in Jerusalem
- Scientific Advisory Board of the Confessional Studies Institute Bensheim
- Scientific Advisory Board of the VELKD Study Seminary in Pullach
- Cooperation with Cadi Ayyad University Marrakech (Morocco)
- Joint Working Group Vatican/World Council of Churches (completed)
- Chamber for Worldwide Ecumenism of the EKD (completed)
- International Lutheran/Roman Catholic Commission on Unity (completed)
- Trialogue between Mennonite World Conference, Lutheran World Federation and Pontifical Council for Unity (completed)